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cup winnerscup winners

    I listened to a recent Warnock interview after Huddersfield won 3 in the bonk after he took charge. When he was asked:
    “What’s your secret ?”
    He replied,
    “I play players in their correct positions. If he’s a left back then he plays in that position plus I give them believe I’m a great man manager”.
    For me Huddersfield made the correct choice. A fully experienced manager who’s done this saviour job upteen times and on an end of the season contract.

    Maloney should have been given same or 12months extendable but 3.5 years ? Naaaaaaa we’ve got it wrong again.

    These owners I’m sorry will have to spend this summer to sort out the mess, let’s face it, they created. If they don’t then L2 will be very achievable because even L1 is getting super competitive