Reply To: Stoke

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cup winnerscup winners

    There’s for me 3 key reasons were going down and it’s in this order of merit:-

    1) Brannigan and his huge overspend in L1 leaving nothing left to invest in the Championship pushing us into the red then having to payoff 2 managers full contracts,

    2) The lack of firepower and pace. Sticking with a forward who couldn’t hit a garage door with a Space hopper and the total lack of any pace or width, the slowest side I can ever remember and that’s since the late 1970’s,

    3) 3 points deducted that could have easily been avoided had the club borrowed the money. As in the words of the owners “We know the money is coming”, then if they knew this then like myself you take a short cover loan till it does arrive, I still find it strange they let it happen. Or they should have set up the holding account that the EFL specifically told us to do.

    Now some people might say, “Well the 3 points didn’t matter in the end”, and that we might go down by 7-8-9 points anyway so it didnt matter true, but the not paying the players on time for a 4th time on time and then the 3 points when there fighting like hell was like a punch to the stomach then a kick in the balls straight after just to make sure.

    It totally deflated the squad and the heart and fight had gone for me.

    Seriously though, I cannot thank our owners enough for pulling us out the fire and saving us from the brink of extinction and for that I think most Latics fans will be ever so grateful but without investment to rectify their mistakes I’ve a feeling me might just freefall to L2.

    It’s like when you are doing a refurb job on a house. You rip the guts out then the true realization of the task at hand hits home and the cost of it all and funding the huge mistakes puts a massive strain on the job well you know what happens then?,

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