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Hang on a sec, we could be in a far far worse situation without the current owners like going to Daisy Hill. They took on a sinking ship and basically got us promotion so things aren’t as bad as some would like to paint.
At least they’ve realised running a club is nothing like running a business. There’s alot more can go wrong running a club rather than a fianual business as such so it doesn’t surprise me we got caught out with the likes of Captain thrithfull Mr Brannigan who when all said and done created the money mess so on that note I can’t thank them enough.
My issue is, if you make mistakes rectify them. In our case the current owners think the answer to clear the decks and slash the outgoing by 2 thirds leaving virtually pennies for Maloney which is a recipe for disaster.
We will have to rely on youth but bar 2 or 3 good young lads our current crop isn’t as good as the lads we let go for pittance while in administration.
I personally think Maloney is going to seriously struggle next season. We need 15 players minimum all on super low wages and freebie signings, I just don’t feel Maloney has the experience to do this. I hope I’m oh so wrong but only time will tell on that one.
So for me the issue I have with the owners is, they know they’ve fcuked up and held their hands up which I respect but a 2nd year of little or no investment in the squad will only end up one way.
As in life if you fcuk up you put it right you don’t make it worse. Next season is going to be I think the most challenging season we’ve had we’ve ever had and that includes admin.
Let’s not attack the owners even though they’ve made mistakes granted. Were in a far more stable position than alot of clubs who are 10’s of millions in debet and getting bigger.
If we start attacking them I’m sure they’d think “Fcuk this, we don’t need the hassle” then we’re will we be.