Reply To: Wages not paid again after relegation

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Out of contract players get paid until 30 June, and until 31 July if they do not have a new club by then.

£6m covers wages from now until 31 July for all staff. Thats three months of wages for in contract players and 3 months wages for out of contract players (including the money they werent paid last Friday) plus another month for those out of contract players who dont find a club by 31 July.

Relegation reduction clauses dont kick in until 1 July for in contract players, so May & June’s wages will be on current terms.

If the owners dont stump up the money, the season ticket sales (which only account for around £1.5m in total) are done in monthly instalments, and there’s no games at the DW, then where do you think the money for wages is coming from? And it wont be from the Rugby club, because after this weekend they have no home games until the end of June.