Reply To: 8 point deduction but funds are on there so called way

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    I agree but I can see the stupid logic in our owners remark.

    So lets say for figures sake our monthly outgoings in total are £1.5million. The EFL then want us to put £1.875million spare cash we haven’t got into a holding account.This money now would have to be taken from next years yearly budget.

    The club has shown the EFL (who have accepted proof) we will soon to have £10million plus to cover next years running cost a very super tight budget.

    So the EFL now want us to take out next year’s money nearly £2million to sit in a dormant account as a safety net incase wages are late.

    Then if they are late use the money and replenish. So basically the £2million is dead unusable till June 2024 slashing next year’s paper thin budget by a fifth overnight.

    Jasmi’s thinking is I’ve just shown proof like all the other owners would have to do so really there should be no need for this money to be sat dead in an account.

    Look chaps I’m not agreeing I merely pointing out what he’s probably thinking.
    I personally suggest that every EFL club should do this 125% account then every player and staff can feel safe in the knowledge they’ll always get paid that month.

    And Jasmi agreed with the EFL to open the account ?, he was told to do it, I very much doubt he ever whole heartedly agreed with their plan or he would have already done it by now. We couldn’t do it last year simply because we’re skint we’d not a pot to p1ss in.

    I see both sides and disagree with our owners they should abide by the EFL ruling but I think thats why Jasmi has mentioned sueing the EFL