Reply To: Al Jasmi

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    Who knows what’s going on behind closed doors your guess is as good as mine all’s I know is while all the debating between different parties takes place bills are not been paid and the people owed are getting ultra p1ssed off.
    It’s a very simple equation with a very simple answer
    Jasmi = pay the bills

    There, done, I’m not sure what else can be said right now until someone buy us it’s the only answer before creditors start turning up wanting their money.
    It’s all well and fine Jasmi saying “I won’t put the club in administration I will fund it till a buyer is found”
    Your track record and lies is there to see. Promise after promise broken and you expect people to believe you ?. Jasmi is boxing clever by announcing he won’t put us in admin but the he decides not to pay any bills. This simply puts the onus on creditors who are owed forcing then to act so in the end they will look like the guilty party.

    Before you know it July will be here and another months wages will due. How can you trust anything said they say?, any tiny bit of faith left has gone, they just need to leave the club but leave it in tact.
    So we’re his is riches people have been telling me about since his arrival? were ??, 100’s of millions ???

    def the Cheatham Hill pair from Barahain
