Reply To: Chesterfield..

Forums Latics Crazy Forum Chesterfield.. Reply To: Chesterfield..


Apologies, but this is a repeat from a previous post that I did weeks ago:

Hope Ebeneezer Danson is reading :

Let’s put some perspective on the table:

Danson’s net worth is currently 1.349 billion +
In the last 12 months his net worth grew by 56 million.
So put a million quid in a bucket, and now fill another 1,348 buckets :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Now explain why we are scratching around without any money to spend.

Danson is not committed to helping the Latics to be successful; period !
It’s so bleedin obvious.
He wouldn’t even notice a few missing buckets :bye: :bye: :bye: