Our Wigan Athletic fans site friends over at vital are striving to organise a walk to the Reebok Stadium for our game in February, all in aid of the Emma Hoolin Appeal.

On Saturday 11th February 2012 Wigan Athletic are away to Bolton Wanderers, it is proposed that a group of us will walk from the DW Stadium to the Reebok Stadium prior to the game, the walk will be for Emma Hoolin, to raise awareness and funds for treatment

Emma is a 4 year old girl from Whitley in Wigan and she was diagnosed in mid-February this year, Valentines Day, with a childhood cancer called Neuroblastoma, she is currently receiving treatment in the US to give her the best chance of making a full recovery, obviously this costs money

The walk will leave the DW Stadium at 11 am, hopefully arriving at the Reebok around 1pm, there will be a refreshment break mid-way

Originally I thought that we might get 100 people to do the walk, but the bar has been raised and I think a more realistic target is 500, this is going to take some organising so to help make the event run as smoothly as possible could you please register your intentions to do the walk at walk4emma@hotmail.co.uk a database will be created and once details have been finalised you will be emailed a full pack, route card, brochure and sponsorship forms

Work has been busy behind the scenes, we have the full support of the Latics, Bolton Wanderers, GMP, there is even talk of national TV coverage but can`t say too much about that at the moment.

This event will be big, brash and fun, it will certainly raise awareness, hopefully helping Emma to achieve her monetary target

For more information about Emma and her condition visit her website: www.emmahollin.co.uk


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