Cockney Latic is the longest serving Wigan Athletic fanzine and exists to cater for Latics’ fans the world over.
Cockney Latic is run by, written by and read by Latics fans and football fans from all over the world.
From the mid 80’s to early 2000’s when the Cockney Latic Fanzine was printed in paper version and was the ‘must read’ on the terraces, we came online around 1998 and soon after joined the Rivals network, later taken over by Sky.
In 2006 we went back to being independent and continued to be the place to come to find out information, read great articles and chat on the message boards.
Cockney Latic has all the news, views, club information, history, archives, match previews, match reports and message boards all in one place.
We are a one stop shop for everything that is Wigan Athletic, our ever expanding archive of information lets you know everything you need to know about the best team in the world.
There are past results from when we entered the football league, Stadium info, Manager info all there to see – if there is anything that you would like to see on the site, or if you want to submit articles/stories etc, have any comments you don’t want to put on the message board then please get in touch on
There have been many people to thank over the years including Vaughnie, Heeley, Jimmy T, Les Bagg, Mitty, Jayt and many, many more. A special thanks has to go to that use the site and for not letting the Cockney Latic disappear when the internet era arrived.
Click here to discuss this issue and many more on the Cockney Latic message board.
Cockney Latic is an independent Wigan Athletic fans site and as such, if you feel you have an article, story or feature you would like to see on the site, please let us know.
We are always looking for fans which wish to put new articles on the site, whether they are one offs, or if they become a regular feature. If you’re interested, send your details or articles to us and we will publish them or get in touch. The email as usual is
The upkeep of the site is funded solely from the advertising on site, from our own pockets and donations from users, if you would like donate it would be greatly appreciated, click here for donation page.