On the 20th November 2009, Ian Morrow, a huge Latics’ fan, will be shaving away 25 years of nurtured beard in the name of charity…..
This is Ian’s story:
A couple of weeks ago we were having a discussion in the office about what we could do to raise money for Children in Need this year.
Being a rather hirsute person I got the usual suggestions about shaving my head for a fiver, which I refuse to do for any money. In the end I relented and said that if they could raise £1,000 in the
month up to Children in Need night, which is twice what we’d normally raise, I’d shave my 25 year-old beard off, confident in the knowledge that they would never raise that amount of money.
So now Ian is committed to shaving off the product of 25 years careful nurturing and grooming and he is doing well with his fund raising, but wants to do better.
The current total is £1,232 and a website page on justgiving has been set up for further donations to try to get up to £2,000, people can donate at www.justgiving.co.uk/ianmarrow
As you can see from the picture the beard isn’t exactly stubble and so it is a massive deal to shave this off, he continued “ as you can see I’m wearing a Latics T-Shirt, as is the dog, it just so happened that I was wearing this on the day that the photo was taken at work, OK not too much of a co-incidence as I wear a Latics T-Shirt most days.”
Some people may remember Ian from when he ran Latics website watv.co.uk a few years ago, so if you can possibly help him out, click the link and donate www.justgiving.co.uk/ianmarrow.
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