Away Ticket Prices

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      The Football Supporters’ Federation needs your support to help bring down the price of tickets, with our Twenty’s Plenty for Away Tickets Petition –

      We’re calling upon football clubs at all levels of the game to recognise and reward the amazing contribution of away fans by getting together to agree an across the board price cap on away match tickets of £20 (£15 for concessions).

      What’s the point in a petition, you might ask? Each signature on the Twenty’s Plenty petition triggers an email to your club, telling them you want to see something done about the cost of attending football, as well as an email to the Premier League telling them the same.

      In a little over a week more than 5,000 fans have already signed the petition to let their clubs know their feelings on the matter – please spare 30 seconds of your time and join them today –

      We understand that football is unaffordable for many and this is especially true for away fans who, aside from match tickets, must contend with spiralling food, drink and travel costs. There has been a tremendous groundswell of opinion lately with campaigns popping up across the country and Twenty’s Plenty will try to harness that energy and discontent.

      For more on why you should back the campaign check out this pdf – – or visit our website –


      The FSF


        This is a very worth while topic. Well worth the few seconds it takes to vote..
        In light of our Wembley exploits i’d have thought every Wigan fan would have taken the time to get their point across.


        I saw this previously and have already voted.

        I don’t know how much effect it will have as no-one listens to the fans – but we can’t complain if we just stand around and do nothing but complain amongst ourselves.

          I saw this previously and have already voted.

          I don’t know how much effect it will have as no-one listens to the fans – but we can’t complain if we just stand around and do nothing but complain amongst ourselves.

          and that is EXACTLY what i’m on about with the “boycott wembley/fa products” plan……BUT I GOT SHOT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! strange message board this


          One post is about a national organisation organising a large-scale petition to present to the authorities to try to get them to regulate ticket prices.

          The other is a “wildcat” suggestion, from a Man City message board that has as much clout as this one does, that no-one should buy anything at the stadium, because that’ll show them even though they won’t know.

          Surely you see the difference?


            yes i do but they both carry the same weight, as in, if you do nothing about it, you cant complain….i.e. £4.90 a pint and shite k/off times………(this fsf) away ticket prices…if you keep paying them they won’t decrease

              One post is about a national organisation organising a large-scale petition to present to the authorities to try to get them to regulate ticket prices.

              The other is a “wildcat” suggestion, from a Man City message board that has as much clout as this one does, that no-one should buy anything at the stadium, because that’ll show them even though they won’t know.

              Surely you see the difference?

              Out of small acorns, great oaks grow.

              Your hypocrisy is astounding.


                Rather than £20-£15 prices I prefer the “like for like” approach. If Chelsea or whoever want to charge £62 for away fans then let’s charge them the exact same, lets see how many travel to Wigan then. We would still get the same revenue if 1500-1700 aways fans came.
                I defiantly pick my away games now days due to the cost of the tickets and at the moment London is a no go area for me ( bar Wembley of course )

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