Dave Whelan has at last spoken out over the Alcaraz saga. Nearly a week after the centre back shamed Wigan Athletic Football Club the Chairman has spoke of his disappointment over the incident.

Latics Chairman Dave Whelan has openly blasted Antolin Alcaraz for spitting at Wolves defender Richard Stearman.

Paraguay international Alcaraz spat at Stearman during the closing stages of the 3-1 defeat to Wolves at Molineux on Sunday, this was a catalyst to start a melee involving players from both teams.

Lee Probert says he missed the incident, but the FA decided to take action against Alcaraz….. Not that it is the same, but when will Mr Rooney be charged for his elbowing of James McCarthey last season?????.

Alcaraz has now accepted the FA charge and will get a three-match suspension, this could be least of his worries as Latics will serve their own punishment to him. Mr Whelan has said he will back any punishment Roberto Martinez sees fit for the defender, though I guess he will be the one to decide the fate.

Whelan said in the Sun: “That sort of behaviour has no place in football. It has no place in society, It is disgusting, a horrible thing to do and I was shocked.

“I will back whatever punishment the manager decides to impose. I cannot tolerate this sort of thing and it saddens me that a Wigan player is alleged to have done it. It is totally unacceptable.”

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