The BBC cameras were following Wigan Athletic players Emmerson Boyce and Ronnie Stam as they went back to school in a Football Club initiative to help make reading and writing fun in the classroom.

The latest project to use the football club and players, is one to help make reading and writing fun for children – and you can watch it on Match of The Day this Sunday.

Accompanied by Latics Poet In Residence Ian Bland, the players visited St Bernadettes Catholic Primary School in Shevington as part of Latics Literacy – and the Match of The Day cameras were there to catch it all!

Latics Literacy is an eleven week programme delivered by Wigan Athletic Community Trust into primary schools across the region.

Each week there is a one hour literacy session followed by a one hour P.E. session. A different literacy theme is covered each week, including newspapers, interviews, fact-finding, descriptive writing, comics, persuasive writing and performance poetry.

Emmerson Boyce said: “I read to my children every day and I want them to enjoy it like me when they get older. This is a great project and you could see how the children enjoyed it.”

Ronnie said: “I wish school was this much fun when I was there, I might have concentrated a bit more!!”

Latics Literacy is funded through the Premier League/Professional Footballers Association (PL/PFA) Community Fund and partner schools. It is supported by Wigan Council Children and Young People’s Services department as well as Wigan Children’s Library Services.

Match of the Day is broadcast at 7.35am, Sunday December 12, BBC1 and www./

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