Wigan Athletic has yet again got behind the ‘Race for a Life’ campaign run by the Wigan Branch of the Rotary Club in aid of ‘Everyman Cancer Research’. The 5km run will once again be held at Haigh Hall and with your help we can help them break the £40,000 they raised last year.
The Wigan Branch of Rotary International is once again raising money for ‘Everyman campaign against male cancer’, by holding their annual ‘Race 4 a life’ 5km run at Haigh Hall.
The run will take place on Sunday 26th September 2010 and will get under way at 11.00 a.m. and believe me they will start without you if like me you turn up about three minutes past, but hey ho, lesson learned.
Wigan Athletic once again are backing the run, along with DW Sports Fitness and together are looking for as many Men and Boys as is possible to run, walk or crawl the 5km to raise as much money as we can.
Everybody will know of somebody who has been effected by this terrible disease and if you haven’t you are one of the lucky ones. If you can’t do the run for any reason, then please sponsor somebody who is (you can sponsor me by going to my Just Giving page, click here).
Entry fees are £8.00 for Men and £5.00 for boys, you can apply on line at www.run4alife.com where you will also find out more information.
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