The Cockney Latic Prediction League 2009 – 2010 is nearly here, there will be two leagues again and this time we will be ready for the first day of the season, unlike last year which was a very big rush job, below is all the details.
Well we are nearly at the start of another Premier League Season and that means it’s time to get the The Cockney Latic Prediction Leagues 2009 – 2010 going. There will be two leagues again, one predicting the scores from the Premier League and the other will take in all the domestic and European Cup games.
Last year’s winners wasBod62, who received the Cockney Latic Prediction League Trophy plus a home shirt signed by all the players (due to the lateness of the start last year, it was impossible for us to make it a cash prize). Saredt won the separate FA Cup Prediction League, bagging them a cool cheque for £100.
This year’s competitions will run as follows:
There will be two leagues, one for the Premier League season and the second for the Cup games.
The Premier League Prediction League
The Premier League Prediction League will have a similar format to last season, but the points scoring will be slightly different with bonus points for correct scores on Saturday matches and the last game of the season:
Correct Home Score | 3 Points |
Correct Away Score | 3 Points |
Correct Result | 3 Points |
Correct Score | 5 Points |
Correct score for Saturday Games (played at 3p.m.) + Final game of the season | 5 Bonus Points |
(no bonus points for re-arranged, Sunday, Monday, midweek games or non 3 p.m. Saturday matches).
The Cup games Prediction League
The Cup games Prediction League will include the Carling Cup games from Round 2 (starts 24th August). The FA Cup from Round 1 Proper (7th November), Europa League (British clubs i.e. English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish Clubs) from the Group Stages (starts 17th September) and the Champion’s League (British clubs i.e. English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish Clubs) from the Group Stages (start 15th September).
Points will be as above in the Premier League Prediction League, but bonus points will only be gained for matches played with teams in the same league.
The Entry costs are broken down into 3 parts:
1 Entry into the Premier League Prediction League | £5 |
1 Entry into the Cups Prediction League | £5 |
1 Entry into the Premier League and Cups Prediction League | £8 |
The Prediction League is ready to use
The Prediction League is now open and you need to go in and register for the leagues. Those who played last year should have the same login details, those who didn’t play last year and want to this year please go to the Prediction League to register your username before paying for entry (as you need your user name), any questions please email me on
For those that don’t want to be involved in the cash prise for the winners, just enter as normal and don’t pay. Only entrants who pay via the link above will be eligible to win the cash prize and a separate mini league will be set up to let these entrants know where they are placed with all the other paid up entrants.
The overall winner will receive the Prediction League Trophy, just as Les Crawford did for last year’s win, the highest placed paid up entrant will win the cash prize.
Click here to disucuss on the message board.