Wigan Athletic fans favourite online fanzine is back online after technical difficulties that were out of our control saw us go offline for a while.

The issues that we have encountered over the last day or so have hopefully now been restored, we are sorry for the inconvenience but it was totally out of our control.

Our Service providers took it upon themselves to move the site to another server without giving us prior notice, and when they did it they didn’t do it properly.

The site is now back to normal and as you can expect the message board is now very active with the fantastic three points we earned yesterday.

Keep reading the news pages as we release new stories, competitions and John is working very hard behind the scenes with myself in building up the archives of match results, previous meetings and more areas will be added as the months go on.

Thanks also to the extra volunteers who are now doing quite a lot of writing for the site, the door is always open for anybody who wants to see their views or articles published. Whether they are factual, fictional or satirical, we welcome anybody who will give their time to write something for the site.

For those of you that just read the board, we would very much like to see what you think about the issues that are discussed on the board or even would like to see what you want discussing on there, so don’t be shy get posting….

Thanks again for your support and we apologise once again for the site being offline for a while.

Click here to disucuss this issue and many more on the Cockney Latic message board.

Cockney Latic is an independent Wigan Athletic fans site and as such, if you feel you have an article, story or feature you would like to see on the site, please let us know.

We are always looking for fans which wish to put new articles on the site, whether they are one offs, or if they become a regular feature. If you’re interested, send your details or articles to us and we will publish them or get in touch. The email as usual is editor@cockneylatic.co.uk.

The upkeep of the site is funded solely from the advertising on site, from our own pockets and donations from users, if you would like donate it would be greatly appreciated, click here for donation page.