Wigan Athletic development player Nohua Dicko has been turning heads down the road at neighbouring Blackpool as the seasiders storm their way to a playoff place.

The former Strasbourg forward has been used mainly as a subsitute since joining the Seasiders on loan in January 2012 hitting the net 3 times in a total of 9 appearances. A delighted Ian Holloway was quick to praise the young frenchman.

“I think Nouha has been terrific and he gives me another great option.

“His favourite position is up front. We put him there against Leeds in a behind-closed-doors match the other week and he scored two.

“He has done well in his last two games back in the team and he had a beaming smile when he came off the pitch on Saturday.

“Unfortunately, I had to move him back out wide towards the end because Kev (Phillips), the maestro, was coming on.

“Nouha has pace to burn and if we can utilise that it will definitely be another weapon in our armoury.

“He has some future that boy. Unfortunately he is not ours, but I am delighted he is playing so well and that he got the goal because he is a wonderful kid.

“He feels at home here and we have the old French school going with him, Ludo Sylvestre and Lomana LuaLua. It is fantastic to see Nouha doing so well and he is still only 19 too. What a physique he has for a 19-year-old.”

Hopefully he can bring his experiences back and push for a place up front next season along with former Blackpool loanee Callum McManaman.


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