As it’s been a while since we’ve played our Lancashire neighbours you’ll be excused for not knowing where to park on match days, here’s an idea
As the crowds have nearly doubled at Burnley over the last 8 months or so it has become increasingly harder to park up in the town with nowhere to park. A nice young man I got talking to whilst working in Preston (I know, I know) informed me that he had a bit of land near turf moor that he uses for parking on match days.
He went on to say that if any Latics fans would like to park their car there, then I could pass on the details, and that is exactly what I’m doing. For those that drive to the game, having a place lined up to go to could save valuable minutes especially a fully manned, safe and secure car parking space that won’t end up in you being blocked in and waiting an age.
His car park is located at Belvedere Road Car Park and access is gained via Doris Street BB11 3DL, the cost is just £5 per car, even Burnley fans can use it, but i can’t guarantee you’ll be charged the same low price………………………
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