February 11th is getting ever closer and Wigan Athletic fans from across the borough will walking their way to the Reebok Stadium for a good cause, the Emma Hoolin Appeal. Just as a quick reminder of what this walk entails and how you can help out, below are the details.
Emma Hoolin is a five year old Wigan girl who is suffering from the childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. Emma has completed her treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy at Manchester Royal Childrens Hospital, she is now undergoing six months treatment of Immunotherapy in the United States, this is to give Emma the best chance of long term survival.
The Immunotherapy is not available on the NHS, it is also quite expensive, the Emma Hoolin Appeal was set up to raise £211,000, this is the cost of the initial treatment.
Unfortunately, due to set backs and Emma requiring extra care whilst in the US the cost has now risen. So far the appeal has made £310,000, but it is estimated that the total cost of Emma’s treatment could be in excess of £350,000.
On Saturday February 11th 2012, Wigan Athletic travel the short distance to Horwich to face Premier League rivals and near neighbours Bolton Wanderers. On the morning of the 11th Feb, prior to the game, there will be a large number of people walking the six miles from the DW Stadium in Wigan to the Reebok Stadium in Horwich, to raise awareness of neuroblastoma and raise funds for the Emma Hoolin Appeal.
This is the walk4emma.
This event will be big, brash and fun, it will certainly raise awareness, hopefully helping Emma to achieve her monetary target, I want you to join me on the walk. Please register to participate in the walk4emma, to do this simply email your details to walk4emma@hotmail.co.uk by return you will receive sponsor form, poster and details of the walk
There is a justgiving page set up for our proceeds to be paid into: https://www.justgiving.com/walk4emma/new, this links directly into the Emma Hoolin Appeal and keeps a track of how much money the walk4emma will make.
Please, please, please support this event and join us on the walk, whether you are a Latics fan, a Bolton fan or just willing to participate and raise some much needed funds and awareness for this worthy cause.
Register at walk4emma@hotmail.co.uk
We will be meeting from 10 am on the morning of the 11th February at the front of the DW Stadium and then setting off at 10:30am prompt. Stop off point at New Springs Ex-Servicemen’s Club, Cale Lane, for refreshments and hopefully arriving at the Reebok for approximately 1:30pm.
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