In a completely frank interview, Wigan Athletic Supremo Dave Whelan was asked his view on our position in the league and whether he felt we were in the right place to do something about it.

There area minority of fans that scream for Roberto Martinez’s head every game we don’t get a result. The fact that we may have dominated the game, played some good stuff or deserved to win is somewhat irrelevant.

Is playing the same ugly hoof ball as 65% of the league what these fans want? A system that doesn’t guarantee results but is something that Wigan Athletic as a football club wants to get away from. Is it wrong to try and play football like the elite of Europe?

Bobby was given the chance to try this out at Latics, he has had a turbulent time over the last one and three quarter seasons trying to get the team that he feels can deliver results with this type of system.

Those who go to the game and see what is being attempted (those who realise we won’t be challenging for the top four spots every year at the moment), generally hope that we can get it right and kick on from being one of the ‘hoof ball’ teams of the league.

Luckily for the majority, Mr. Whelan also thinks that we can pull through this and that we have the right man in charge to achieve it. Yes we are bottom of the league right now, but two wins will see us climb out of the bottom three and we certainly have shown we have the game to do it.

In the Wigan Evening Post, Dave Whelan insists he has ‘complete and total faith’ that Roberto Martinez will lead Latics to Premier League survival.

Latics find themselves bottom of the pile with just nine matches to go after the unlucky 1-0 defeat at Manchester City. But the chairman is keen to stress that everyone at the DW remains united behind the manager.

Whelan told the Observer: “I have complete and total faith in Roberto – and the stability of the club remains total. I have complete confidence that he will turn it round.

“I couldn’t criticise Roberto at all for the way we’re playing or the application of the lads just now.” Whelan, who has paid for the squad to jet out to La Manga this week for a training camp, added: “We’ve got some very, very winnable matches coming up and we have to go out there and make sure we win them.

“I still think we can do it.”

We are more than capable of getting results against Birmingham, Spurs (have beaten them this season already), Blackpool, Aston Villa, Everton, West Ham, Stoke and Sunderland. We won’t get something out of all of these games, but there is enough there for us to play our own way out.

So instead of looking at the injustices of Rooney not getting sent off, or Richards not walking (two decisions that could have changed the course of their club’s seasons, never mind the results of the matches they should have happened), get behind Dave Whelan, Roberto Martinez, the players – Get behind Wigan Athletic.

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