Wigan Athletic has six home games to go and we need all the points we can muster from those games, starting with great ticket deals for Blackburn this weekend.
Whatever you think about the position Latics are in, nobody wants us to be relegated and to that end the team needs your support, they need to know we care and they need our voices to drown out the opposition’s noise.
This Saturday it is looking like Blackburn are going to bring a healthy following for a change and so we need to get bodies into our ends. Ticket prices are excellent, just £15 a ticket or two for £20, kids are just £5.
There are no excuses, this is now the time of reckoning, so let people know about the deals and let’s make sure we give the team all the support we can muster.
If you’re quick you have until midnight tonight to win tickets for the game, click here. But if you don’t win, do your best to get yourself and your mates down to the ground.
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