As well as the Cockney Latic Prediction League, you can also play for fun (or if funds allow we’ll get a prize together for the winner) in our Fantasy Football League.

As you lknow we run our own Prediction League on site every seaosn (just click the link on the navigation above), but we have also registered a League for Cockney Latic on the Premier League’s Fantasy Football competition. If funds allow it we’ll get a prize together for the one that tops this ‘private league’…..

If you aren’t playing the game then you can register at

Once you have logged in and entered your team, click on the ‘Leagues’ link at the top of the page. On the Leagues page:

1. Select the ‘Join a league’ option

2. Choose private league

3. Now enter the code 759468-191571 to join the private league.

Enjoy the game.

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