Fun and games with the Wigan Athletic players is just one of the attractions of the Annual Christmas Party and this years promises to be a blinder after the bad weather last year event was wiped out by the weather.

Join Stripey, Mr Martyn and the Latics Players for lot’s of festive fun at the
Junior Stripes 2010 Christmas family party at the DW Stadium.

1pm – 3pm (Doors open at 12:45pm)

* Celebrate Christmas with the Latics Players
* Special Festive Fun & Games with great prizes
* Win the chance to be a Latics mascot
* Junior Stripes Latics prize raffle
* And much, much more from your Junior Stripes

Don’t miss this special Latics family festive party at the DW Stadium Come along and enjoy – Tickets Only £1 and available at:
* At the Junior Stripes Stoke & Villa games pre-match entertainment events
* Also available from The DW Stadium main reception

Admission by ticket only, limited places available so get your
tickets very soon, Stripey!

* Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult

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