The TV fixtures have now been sorted for the first couple of months of the new Premier League season and it sees Wigan Athletic having three games moved and playing twice on the big screen, but there is a bit of confusion whether one of the televised games will be able to go ahead.

Our first home game of the season is the first to attract the TV cameras, as the Champions will be returning to the DW Stadium looking to replicate their result on the final day of the season, we will hopefully put in the same kind of performance that saw us beat them 3-1 in the same fixture last season. The game will now be played on Saturday the 21st at 5.15 p.m. instead of 3.00 p.m.

The second to move is the home game against Wolves, originally planned for Saturday the 2nd October it has been planned in for Monday the 4th October at 8.00 p.m., but this could well be moved back to the Saturday (probably at 12.45 p.m.) due to their being Internationals that week.

The final game to move will be the Liverpool game, as the Reds are playing on TV the previous Sunday our game is moved to the Wednesday 10th November instead of Tuesday the 9th. If there are any more changes we’ll let you know as soon as we can.

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