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    It’s a far cry from how we approached the Derby and Bolton games were we defended well and broke at pace.
    Wyke is back to feed off scraps and the frustration showed. I have to agree about Lang, Aasgaard doesn’t look fit and probably needs a time out sort the shoulder injury.
    Lang might not be a Ronaldo but he puts himself about forcing the opposition into making mistakes.
    As for Hughes ? for me it’s far too much too soon and he should be rotated in out.

    Every ball Portsmouth put in I feared for the worse we just look easy at the moment which is why I feel we’d be better suited by 3 at the back and wingbacks.

    Why the managers suddenly gone with the 3 dozen passes before we cross the 1/2 way line is beyond me. I can only think that, when the season started he was short of numbers so it forced him to play counter attacking football hitting it early at pace.

    One thing I’ve recently noticed is, alot of our passes are to foot not space. Everytime a player receives the ball he’s a 1 on 1 to deal with. We never seem to pass into space players running onto the put through ball.

    For me the players are good enough but wil Maloney be able to to solve the conundrum and find a settled starting 11 ?, I honestly think no, he’s too busy tweaking and using up every sub.