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    Guess the Gate Competition 2023/24

    I am away from Friday AM and may not get back until after the match, so the deadline for this match is Saturday 16th March at 3.00pm,

    Please don’t leave it late to get your predictions in, and if you can get them in by Thursday night that would be appreciated.
    Any stragglers who can’t get their prediction in, and leave it late will still be added, but it will be a pain in the arse if there are a lot of you, so please predict early.

    Matchday 21 versus Blackpool, Saturday 16th March 3.00pm Kick off

    21 predictions so far –

    pemblue1932 -14231
    gary teale – 14148
    BrickLatic – 13816
    Taff107 – 13500
    ZAKKY – 13444
    hindleymonwafc – 13427
    Lazysid – 13418
    Zeb2 – 13336
    jayt – 13244
    italia – 13131
    Ice Cream – 13106
    vinceHill – 13102
    Whelans broken leg – 13002
    Tenfut – 12916
    LaticssinceCL – 12800
    alharry – 12750
    jonnysking – 12619
    Blue Feather – 12550
    Troy McClure – 12345
    rumjocky – 11735
    Cueball – 11555