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I have to agree with alot already said above. We basically don’t have a forward no focal point. Humphrys and Aasgaard are certainly not what I’d class as forwards. J.Jones played very well for me, I love the positivity he brings to a fairly negative side as he’s always prepared to take players on and attack with pace.

I’d break the bank for Chambers he’s gonna go all the way. He never makes a mistake and always looks to go forward

I hope S.Smith can make that right back position his own over Claire he’s a far better more aggressive player than Claire.

My tin hat goes on here for my next remark but I don’t get Adeeko. The manager see’s something I don’t. For me he gives the ball away far far too easy and too often. He rarely wins it back and it’s alot of headless chicken stuff for me looking busy but not actually doing much.

That second half was like the Alamo and we got pummelled but held on. Was it good defending or poor finishing?, today I’ll say it was more like poor finishing especially the sitter of a header tr TV TVhey missed.

At the end of the day it’s 3 points against a side who’s fighting for a play off spot so we can’t grumble but playing like that 2nd is a dangerous game to play.

There’s a basis of a very good side. The problem Maloney has is finding a steady regular starting 11, he prefers using 16 players per game

As for Magennis coming on ? It’s like going down to 10 men hence no rest bite up front.

I’ve raised this possession football mallarky a couple of times on this board.
Sad to say, but that’s how modern football is played.
Today we played the possession card in the second half and it worked; but not without giving the fans the jitters. Had we been able to bang a second in before the 60 min mark, we would have been in cruise control.
So just for VAT 69, here are my comments from previous posts:-
As previously stated, I for one would love the legend that is Shaun Maloney to become one of our all time favourite Managers.
I think the problem starts with football in general, whereby it’s “fashionable” to play possession football and Managers follow the herd rather than create their own winning brand / style of exciting football. Anyone remember Kevin Keegan at Newcastle; if they score three, we’ll score four.
I think I posted the following comments 3 or 4 months ago: listening to post match analysis on Radio Lancashire, Kevin Gallagher was decrying the style of Blackburn Rovers and other Championship teams. This Saturday, after watching Blackburn Vs Plymouth he was reiterating the same comments, saying: how a lot of the games are boring because Managers have adopted this possession philosophy, but haven’t got sufficient skill sets within the squad to pull it off. In other words you cannot emulate Liverpool or Man City without the right ingredients.
I do get this thing about “possession” if you are playing Premier League or European football, where the standard of the players are generally World class and if you lose the ball you can be punished at the blink of an eye. However, we are playing in League One where class is replaced by cut & thrust energy & enthusiasm and we must therefore have a more adaptive style of play, but still be able to play the possession game when we need to “shut up shop” to secure the three points to win (and not to protect a draw).