Reply To: Crafting His Own Downfall.

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cup winnerscup winners

    I agree, I don’t think the players have bought in because they don’t know what their buying.
    There was a remark that players are playing for their contracts. Some are loanees on wages we can’t afford and we’ve 4-5 players who’s contracts are up who’ll have to take a massive pay cut I’d say 50%+ if they want to remain at the club.
    I’m not sure if I’d be playing pulling my plumbs out to be rewarded with heavily reduced wages.

    Me personally, I don’t think he’s ruthless or brave enough to be a manager. There’s tough decisions to be made when you’ve so many players and only 11 can start so his answer is very similar to a kids u11’s manager,
    They must all get a game keep to them happy or they’ll leave.

    This is why we rotate so much and 5 subs per game trying to please everyone and keep the players happy’ish.

    The tactic of sit deep and pass it round till they come and get it has failed bigtime for Maloney. Teams just sit deep and say No thanks, keep it were over here

    Well we’re mostly of the same agreement, he’s got his personal beliefs on how the game should be played but what he’s massively failed to notice is

    Were in League One not the Prem

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.