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    Guess the Gate Competition 2023/24

    Below is a list os f the pre season guesses for the seasons average.

    The nearest of the following guesses to the average at the end of the season gets 5 bonus points for The Guess the Gate Competition 2023/24.

    13 guesses in total.

    rumjocky – 12200
    LaticssinceCL – 12000
    jocklatic – 11898
    alharry – 11500
    Jayt – 11376
    runcorn1978 – 11300
    pemblue – 1932 – 11200
    GSM – 10900
    jonnysking – 10121
    Martinez1986 – 9500
    Ice Cream – 9332
    OTBAW – 7982
    walgarthjohn – 8789

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by horchorc.