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    They had built up a sufficient cushion to ensure , as has happened , that even with a total collapse , they would virtually guarantee the play offs . In fact , I think they led Noblot 2 0 , before ending 2 2 late on . Talk was also of ‘ automatic ‘ several weeks ago . They aren’t anything special , I agree . We ought have won comfortably at their place , and , but for the second worst ‘ mare ‘ at ours , by Seb Stockbridge , were gifted a victory . Will Finnie for me .. CUNT of the season . !! Tactically, providing the ref is adept , if I were Barnsley , I’d put someone small, agile and speedy on Santos … he’s a disaster waiting to happen , and should have had cards in the first leg .. :-)

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by ItaliaItalia.