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      Didnt look to bad when he came on last niht showed a few good touches. However he needs someone playing close to him


        We bought the poacher who is used to playing with 2 upfront. We then try to make him play the solo striker role.

        Why did we buy this kind of player and not play to his strengths.

        Martinez needs to accept responsibility for this.


          See Natdan… can criticise the club constructively, without resorting to mindless insults of the manager etc. Well done, now can you manage the next step and post something positive after a win, instead of going into hiding until you’ve something to moan about?

          *In disbelief that I agree with something posted by Natdan

          See Natdan… can criticise the club constructively, without resorting to mindless insults of the manager etc. Well done, now can you manage the next step and post something positive after a win, instead of going into hiding until you’ve something to moan about?

          *In disbelief that I agree with something posted by Natdan

          in the last 6 months the “dark side” have “gone into hiding” as you put it just 4 times ,but true to form if the enlightened flock on here keep saying it often enough people may start to believe them.

          unless you are including the masterful displays against hartlepool and preston as well.


            unless you are including the masterful displays against hartlepool and preston as well

            Surely those masterfull displays where a damn site better than the cup match at Blackpool last season though wouldn’t you agree


              No LMB, you’ve got me all wrong…..the day I turn into a moaning (insert your own expletive), like Natdan etc, waiting for every opportunity to mindlessly criticise the club/manager etc without ever being positive about the club, is the day I give up. However, for once we have a constructive moan from the Dark Side and its a fair point. Martinez hasn’t used Boselli correctly, so Mauro hasn’t had a fair chance to show us whether or not he is good enough.


                If Martinez would take the risk of playing Bos and Rod up front we could see him bag a couple and put the hoodoo behind him.

                galacTICSanjay Shah
                  If Martinez would take the risk of playing Bos and Rod up front we could see him bag a couple and put the hoodoo behind him.

                  Moving to 3-5-2 on Sunday was his attempt at that, but was pointless as it was only done with 30 min to go with us already 1-0 down.

                  Interestingly, I think we were actually worse once we changed formation. The midfield seemed even more crowded and our front players have been so used to the passing game of late that they weren’t used to dealing with any long balls.

                  Interestingly, I think we were actually worse once we changed formation. The midfield seemed even more crowded and our front players have been so used to the passing game of late that they weren’t used to dealing with any long balls.

                  I am no tactical genius, and am willing to bet that neither are you, but why would going to 352 automatically bring about the need for people to chase long balls?

                  galacTICSanjay Shah

                    Interestingly, I think we were actually worse once we changed formation. The midfield seemed even more crowded and our front players have been so used to the passing game of late that they weren’t used to dealing with any long balls.

                    I am no tactical genius, and am willing to bet that neither are you, but why would going to 352 automatically bring about the need for people to chase long balls?[/quote]

                    I’m not saying it would, but vs Newcastle it resulted in a crowded midfield, prob cos rodallega was playing slightly behind and wide of boselli and cos Newcastle were hell bent on shutting down any passing. As such we clearly reverted to route 1, as both the manager and some players admitted post match.

                    I’m not saying it would, but vs Newcastle it resulted in a crowded midfield, prob cos rodallega was playing slightly behind and wide of boselli and cos Newcastle were hell bent on shutting down any passing. As such we clearly reverted to route 1, as both the manager and some players admitted post match.

                    Wasn’t criticising, mate.

                    It certainly gave us more of a threat in a more advanced position. And you’re probably right; Rodallega sitting deeper would have contributed to an already packed midfield. Getting further up and it might have been better.

                    Nice to see something different being tried.

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