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  • #204856
    cup winnerscup winners

      Here’s a side who’d were bottom of the League and won 1 in their last 13 but simply wanted it more by working harder. We decided to stick to our philosophy of playing it along the back line so what did Burton do ? pushed a high line knowing Maloney won’t go long.

      Burton’s first,
      Firstly I’d like to point out Sibbick is not a right back, period. He was basically along sides Kerr giving the Burton No3 wingback half the field to run into and under no pressure from a Sibbick who’s 10 yards off him the No3 whips in a ball.
      At this point Kerr decides to leave it, yes leave it goal Tickle fumbles and Aimson and Mellish basically stare at it Burton 1-1

      Burton’s 2nd,
      Sibbick again not closing down, not close enough not attacking the ball Burton player runs at Sibbick who again gives him time and space to cross a ball in Aimson once again fails to clear by tripping up over his own feet and gift Burton a goal.

      Two goals came from that right position, they clearly saw Sibbick as a weakness and they were correct.

      Maloney bullied up Carragher a few weeks back saying he’s this that the other and then dropped him for a player who clearly cannot play right back. Fookin hell Ray Charles could see he’s like a duck out of water.

      So there might be an argument that Sibbick can bomb up field, fairplay but what does he do when he gets up there ? he can’t cross a ball his crosses beggars belief truly awful most hit the first man.

      Now the other side,
      Apparently he’s played in midfield for the past 4 years. Now I’m thinking he must be an attacking type defender stroke left back but nope he was terrified of getting forward incase he was caught out and definitely he doesn’t possess the skills to play an up n down left back
      Basically he’s an ex defender who’s played the last 4 years as a midfielder and it showed bar one burst through he did. He looked like a duck out of water scared of overlapping or even coming over the half way line.

      Why has Maloney decided to drop Mellish into leftback when over the past (especially the last game) Robinson’s been solid as a rock playing as an old school defending left back, again I question the manager. Mellish is not a attacking/wing back infact he looked like he no longer enjoys or knows that role.

      Maloney takes teams to away games and we’ve played of late with courage, taking chances, moving the ball back to front far quicker than home so why why why does he have two different styles of play ?.

      Burton fed off our negative play and read us like a book. If your getting the high press put on you every so often heads up look for the run. Too many times Taylor made the move only to watch the ball go to Kerr Sibbick Kerr Aimson Mellish Aimson shall I stop ?.

      Get Robinson in let’s defend can he play as a wingback ? No but after watching Mellish he can’t but at least Robinson knows that position

      Right back ?
      Carragher in Sibbick out. Far far more energy. Can he play Right wing back? no but I personally feel he’d have done a far far better at stopping those 2 crosses that lead to goals than Sibbick did.

      Just when you think we’re beginning to pop our nostrils above water were back to early season form.
      That defense is at times shambolic me personally I’d drop Aimson and stick Sibbick in there I think Aimson along with Sibbick out wide is a Groundhog Day moment.

      Maloney needs to allow those players to try and play like they do when we’re away because our home performances are more painful than a sack n crack with Gorilla gaffa tape.

      Aasgaard again proved he’s the only one capable of scoring. Taylor had the simplest unchallenged headers again miserably failed to convert. We could have Michael Owen up front and he’d struggle to get to 5 with the service our forwards get and when they do? They fail to score

      7533 on last night again fans are preferring to watch it on TV and you know what, after these home performances you can’t blame them your better off just going away


        I see Bolton have acted and parted company with Kreese. *

        *John Kreese, Cobra Kai sensei. I liken Evatt to him. 🤣


          Last night was a disgrace. Thank God I watched on TV.

          The club is in a right mess and we need to do what Bolton have done and pot our manager. He’s inept. He’s only survived so long due to his history at the club. That last night was as bad as anything Kolo the Klown churned out and as bad as anything from Coyle, Mackay, Joyce spells. I won’t even say Kenny Swain was as bad. At least his sides did try and did score some goals. That was when we didn’t have a pot to piss in, early to mid 90s. I think this is worse.
          I’ve not been a game in months, I’ve not been well for a while so that’s not helped. However, I was going to attend on Saturday, taking advantage of the free ticket thing. I have a ticket, but can I be bothered? No. Last night was shocking.

          I’ll be straight up, I don’t like the manager. I think he is shocking and clueless. I don’t like most of the players, I think some of them are frauds…and we’ve ended up lumbered with them. Well done, Baloney. I can see Thelo going next week as well.
          I dont like the signs of penny pinching, like starting to put small away support in the west stand. They’ve clearly been thinking ahead with a ‘what will we do in Lg 2 when a small away support comes?’ So if that’s the thinking…talk about lack of ambition.
          So if you don’t like the manager, players and the way the club is going, why should you go to games?
          Attendances falling off rapidly. How long will they let it go on for before they do something? In all my time following Latics, I think this is the worst we’ve been as a club. We’re just ticking along…existing. we’re a fraud of a club and only heading in one direction.


            Good summary of how the club is that VAT, I put my thoughts in a email to Goodburn back in November you may want to write your thoughts in a email as well at least for the future of the club, nothing to lose mate.

            email Jamie Allen at.

            j.allen@wiganathletic.com :good:

            • This reply was modified 4 weeks ago by BullittBullitt.

            Fuck the EFL


            Well said Vat69.

            Last night was utter garbage; bar one excellent pass & resulting goal.
            We never created any pressure on Burton at all, with our “walking football” stylee !!!
            It’s not as if SM doesn’t know how certain opposition will try and frustrate us; but he’s yet to come up with a way through these teams. That is a fundamental part of his job and if he can’t hack it, then it’s time to go. He needs to throw his “text book” football away, because it ain’t working.

            The fans would be happier if they could see that he was trying something different in these occasional games.
            Also fed up with him blowing smoke up the arses of our away fans, and making home fans feel second class. He needs to realise that our opinions are driven by what we see on the pitch and the overall matchday experience.

            I could rant on, all night long, but I’m totally dismayed with what is happening to my Northern Premier League Champions.

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