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  • #186067

      Hi guys, in a nutshell I have been patching this site up for close on 6 years now. It gets harder each time something goes wrong.

      This forum software hasn’t been updated for 10 years andoads of things aren’t working on it… polls have disappeared for most, new registrations has been down for the past 18 months, and before that was intermittently at best.. so heaven knows how many people have tried to join but couldn’t.

      The front end is extremely clunky now and stuck on a 2011 version that won’t update, so I can’t increase memory capacity, php version nor utilise more modern formats.

      So whilst we are experiencing this quiet patch, I am going to try and move it over to another more modern server and build it in a more up to date platform that can move with the times.

      The reason for me letting you know, is because like any transfer, anything could happen. The front end isn’t as important, but the message boards I hope will still have all the same usernames and passwords, plus even more hopeful of migrating all the old content.

      It will be a different style of message board and I like you will have to learn its capabilities and weaknesses. But hopefully over time it will prove to promote more people joining the site and therefore better banter.

      Can I suggest that you take a note of your username and password, if you can’t remember your password, now is the time to go in to your profile and change it.

      It won’t happen overnight, probably though over the next 2 weeks. If I can create a working test area for you to view first I will try to do that.

      Any comments or advise will be gratefully received.

      As ever I am contactable on uk if you don’t want to post here.

      If there are people wanting to register, I can still do it manually, again same email to request.

      But when we move, most issues should be solved, including new registrations.

      FA Cup Winners 2013, sounds good that


        It has served us well over the years and I am sure whatever you do will be appreciated by everyone who uses the site.
        Hopefully it will attract new posters and get some (not all) of the old posters back.
        Keep up the good work, and if we can help in anyway give us a nod.


        One and only cockneylatic and whatever it takes jayt please do it.


        This is the only forum I use. You do whatever it takes Jay. And hopefully, as horc as mentioned, we will attract new & some of the older posters back.

        Tetley BellyTetley Belly

          Sounds good to me, though I suppose we don’t see the issues going on in the background. I’m sure anything you do will be gratefully used.

          Away a lot, but always watching


          Nice on JayT


            Hello and yes I’ve logged in. All we need now is some football to talk about, when its safe to play.


              OK I am on the third attempt and it looks like all the forum posts have actually migrated here….

              The next step…. can you see if you can log in.. this is just a test site so don’t worry about the look and lack of navigation that works right now…..


              Let me know if you can get in, that would mean the usernames and passwords will have migrated too….

              Getting there very slowly

              FA Cup Winners 2013, sounds good that


                Hello and yes I could log in. It wouldn’t let me post anything intelligent though.


                  I got on but could t see an option to login
                  Did notice that it had names rather than user names, which is fine by me


                    I didn’t scroll down enough, sorted

                      Hello and yes I could log in. It wouldn’t let me post anything intelligent though.

                      Leaving yourself wide open there ;) ;)

                      FA Cup Winners 2013, sounds good that

                        I got on but could t see an option to login
                        Did notice that it had names rather than user names, which is fine by me

                        I think you can go in to your profile and change that, even on here you can click someone’s profile and view their name.

                        The good thing about changing over is I can play with it and add features as I learn how to do them…

                        I’ll certainly look to get the log in at the top, thanks for that. As I am always logged in and using PC rather than mobile, I didn’t see that.

                        FA Cup Winners 2013, sounds good that

                        Tetley BellyTetley Belly

                          I logged in and posted, check me out.

                          Away a lot, but always watching

                            I logged in and posted, check me out.

                            Great and well done you.

                            FA Cup Winners 2013, sounds good that

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                          Forums Latics Crazy Forum New Site and Message board