Newspaper headlines

Forums Non Football Stuff Newspaper headlines

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  • #56164

      What are your favouites?

      I saw this one today and it made me chuckle:

      ‘Cooking competition gets off to a frying start’


      Has to be:



        Here’s one for you

        From the independent
        If you’re not too busy taking pop bottles back for your 20p refund, you could maybe take in rugby league’s launch of the Northern Rail Cup in Halifax. Or maybe stick pins in your eyes?

        :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:


        Got to be this gem from the Daily Record after the terrorist attack on Glasgow Airport.

        ‘I kicked burning terrorist so hard in the balls that I tore a tendon in my foot’ … y-foot.htm


        Hurley bird gets the warne…was a recent one that made me laugh

          Here’s one for you

          From the independent
          If you’re not too busy taking pop bottles back for your 20p refund, you could maybe take in rugby league’s launch of the Northern Rail Cup in Halifax. Or maybe stick pins in your eyes?

          :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

          Headlines…. NOT a paragraph!


            When Alan Ball died the Sun went with the heading ” God Wants His Ball Back ” !!

            In The KnowIn The Know

              `Last one out of the country turn the lights out`

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            Forums Non Football Stuff Newspaper headlines