world cup bid

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    Dissapointed we didnt get it,but lots of skullduggery going on, would like the powers that be in this country to kick up a storm over recent members of fifa accepting BRIBES allegedly,but they will not rock the gravy train of fifa


    To be honest i couldn’t give a rats @r$e whether England got the World Cup or not but for the bid to only get 2 votes (including the one from the British rep on the FIFA board) when FIFA’s own report had described it as technically the best bid on the table was farcical

    I heard on BBC Breakfast News this morning that Sepp Blatter sent a last minute memo round to all the 22 board members which ran along the lines of “Remember the evil british media”

    The sight of the FA, politicians & royalty apologising because our press had the audacity to question the integrity of some FIFA officials was nauseating


      I would love the World Cup to come to England, but to be fair the Ruskies haven’t had it before and their bid involves a lot of rebuilding. It sounds pretty exciting and there is a lot of football history there.

      Obviously there is the usual stuff about grounds not being finished on time, mafia involvement and hooliganism, but we really need to get our own house in order before we start chucking stones. Brum/Villa fans were a great example the night before the bidding took place!

      Obviously it is all about money, but the Premier League does itself no favours by going on about ours being the richest league in the world.

      Qatar is a different story and really points to FIFA corruption at its worst. Surely the obvious choice would be the Aussies – look how far they have come in the last decade.

      To blame the BBC for the fiasco is nonsense. We all know about FIFA and its backhanders. They make the Russian mafia look like the Women’s Institute.

      I’m close to 50 now and I don’t think I’ll see another World Cup in England in my lifetime. Then again I never thought I’d see the Latics in the Prem – and that’s all I really care about.


      I look forward to seeing the standard of football played in the 50 degrees celsius heat of Qatar in late June


        And how they are going to fiddle the draw so Qatar get to the semis

        tea bag headTea Bag Head

          In previous world cups they fiddled it by warming up the plastic balls in the microwave – admitted some years after the event as well


            wish we could pull out of fifa altogether ,and stuff there world cup
            and create our own world tornament
            after all we created the game,we could have a competion were clubs who miss out to qualify for the corrupt cup
            could play in a english world cup based in the home of football and fook sep twatter off


              Leaving aside all the conspiracy theories – pay-offs, FIFA’s dislike of the UK media and the cash-rich Premier league – then the excuses being given as to why it was awarded to the likes of Russia and Qatar – FIFA’s policy to raise the profile of the game in those countries, etc – would suggest that England will never be awarded the World Cup tournament again.
              However, it seems the 2014 WC in Brazil is in jeopardy because, basically, they are skint and way behind schedule in getting everything ready in time. Given that Blatter has already stated England could host the WC tomorrow the suggestion is that we are considered as backup should Brazil pull out, which is an ever increasing possibility. Both Russia and Qatar are also regarded as high risk and again England is the ideal insurance policy.
              So we may end up hosting the WC by default.


              if that were to happen then if I was the FA I’d tell em to stick it

              With regards to the “back up for Brazil” argument – I heard that on whatever GMTV is called these days this morning.
              It may well be true in terms of they would approach England first should it go tits up but I don’t think it will. Just like all the scare stories about South Africa didn’t come true either

              Sephton01Liam Sephton
                I look forward to seeing the standard of football played in the 50 degrees celsius heat of Qatar in late June

                …. and in Russia which will be minus every day :roll:


                Not in summer it won’t. It can reach 40c in parts of Russia. I don’t mind them having it but its FIFA who are just bent.


                  I always thought the world cup venues were rotated by northern and southern hemispheres. So would we be able to stand in for a southern hemisphere country? :?

                  From Matlock to ManU
                  What a journey!

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                Forums Latics Crazy Forum world cup bid