Middlesboro 1 – Wigan more than 1
Match Report. SPOILER ALERT. WIGAN WON. Middlesboro 1 – Wigan more than 1.
Before the nay-sayers point out that Kolo’s record of 1 draw and one loss is worse that Leam’s record and so should be sacked, I’ll just point out that this is a spoiler alert. BTW Warren Joyce had a better record than Kolo.
Kolo is trying something new. This is confidential and embargoed information. Middlesbrough set up with 5 defenders and 4 midfielders, essentially ‘parking a bus’ expecting Wigan to play their usual style of hoofing it up the pitch and hoping Will Keane’s head was on fire, and he’d nod it in. But Kolo is playing Moroccan style tireless energy, Argentinian style passing, France style, Japanese making the most of the entire pitch. Kolo is taking very little from Innngerland, Holland and Germany.
Out goes Keane, Darikwa, …………. In come the running at defence Tilt, Edmonds Green, Kerr, Shinnie, Cousins, Scully, Magennis, Asgaard and Fletcher …………… the ball is collected and passing is inch perfect. Interceptions by the opposition are simply a thing of the past as are rubbish passes. It was like watching 90 minutes of Argentina’s only goal that wasn’t a penalty, in the final. We used to sing “It’s like watching Brazil”, now we watch Wigan.
All I will say is that Wigan won, we scored from a corner and the style of play was like watching dancers at the National Ballet. If you missed out on going to Qatar, don’t worry, we saw better football in Middlesborough. Who needs to see Morocco or Japan when you can watch Wigan.
PS there were no penalties missed, although a random ball did appear from over the stands. It was later identified as the ball Harry Kane kicked, emulating the skill of Ivan Ramis at Blackburn. It happens to the best of us.
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