The Old Pear Tree will be the venue for a Latics’ nostalgia day this Saturday the 29th May 2010, Chris Coffey a former secretary of the Supporters Club has arranged for a whole range of events for the day, which will be popular with both the old and the new Latics fans.

On Saturday 29th May at the Old Pear Tree Pub on Frog Lane Wigan there will be a day of Nostalgia and Remembrance to keep Latics fans new and old entertained and educated.

There will be items of memorabilia up for auction, with all proceeds going towards the M.A.C.S charity. Many items have already been donated but we can’t have too many and so donations will be gladly received.

There will be a full menu available all day and a disco in the evening to keep you entertained.

Dig deep for a good cause, and we will release more details as we receive them.

The Old Pear Tree, Frog lane, 01942 246758 – Event on Saturday 29th May 2010

Join us for a day of Nostalgia and Remembrance

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