Last season showed that Latics got a rough deal as 43% of Yellow Cards and 100% of Red Cards were unjustly given. As there are a couple of qualified referees amonst the Wigan Athletic community, your talents could be helping make a fairer system.

Here is some details of how Wigan Athletic fan referees can help:

Hi Wigan Fans,

I’m writing to ask if there are any qualified football referees here?

The reason I ask is that we are appealing for help with a ref review where a qualified ref reviews Premier League referee performances and scores them overall on key factors. This season just gone, we managed to review 155 (40%) games but we’d like to make that 100% with your help.

Did you know, based on the reviews we carried out, over 43% of Yellow card decisions and a staggering 100% of Red card decisions in Wigan games were incorrect?

Over the course of the season, our refs have watched games for all teams in the Premier League and scored the ref on each incident assessing four main factors. Decisions could be one of the following:-
• Awarded correctly
• Awarded incorrectly
• Correctly not awarded
• Incorrectly not awarded

Another factor also considered was the type of decision and the effect (weight) it had on the game. For example, the ref not awarding a penalty carries far more weight than the ref awarding a throw in to the wrong team in the middle of the park.

The format used to review the refs is an open database, you can see minute by minute assessments and challenge any part of the reviews. Our refs will re-look at the video and amend if appropriate.

Ps, if a decision cannot be confirmed from TV footage as right or wrong, we give the ref the benefit of the doubt so you could say our data is on the conservative side.

More information on how to get involved and links to the individual ref reviews for Wigan can be found here :

1. The ref appeal :
2. The reviews :

We would really appreciate your help.

Click here to disucuss this issue and many more on the Cockney Latic message board.


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