The latest meeting between delegates of the fans sites and Wigan Athletic manager Roberto Martinez took place at the DW Stadium on Wednesday 9th November 2011. Garswood Latic took up the offer to represent Cockney Latic with myself and I think some good points were raised.

Usually I would type up a long précis version of the meeting, but as was said before proceedings got under way, there was nothing that we couldn’t ask and an answer would be given to all questions.

Rather than type it all out though, the Club have agreed to let us put the full uninterrupted interview on site for all to listen to. As well as the Gaffer, Jonathon Jackson, Ed Jones and the local media were present.

There are many on site that think we just print the good bits and don’t ask the questions that they would ask, well here is your chance to listen to what goes on.

Martinez Interview|martinez_091111.mp3

I can’t think I have ever heard of any other Football Club, let alone a Premier League Football Club, that has their manager put in the firing line (as it were), and for him to be so frank as well is amazing.

The call from all the staff at the Club is for the fans to be behind the team and help them get through this bad run we are, starting with the game against Blackburn Rovers next week.

Click here to disucuss this issue and many more on the Cockney Latic message board.


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