Wigan Athletic fan Ian Schofield has been training for the 26 mile run in London for a while now and with a couple of weeks to race day he has managed to team up with Latic mascot Phoenix to keep him company.

It seems Latics fans will do anything they can to raise money for good causes and this joint marathon run by Scoffy and Phoenix will be one of the more gruelling events.

Scoffy is a regular on the Cockney Latic boards and as such we are asking if you could support him in any way you can.

The ex-army man has chosen Help for Heros as his charity and has joined forces with Phoenix and Team Latics to raise as much money as is possible for this worthy cause.

Ian said, “I have run the London Marathon before and mascots always get such great support. I thought that running with the Latics’ mascot was a way to raise more money for charity! It’s fantastic that Phoenix has agreed to take part!”

Scoffy goes on to explain his choice of charity, “I have chosen Help for Heroes because it’s a charity close to my heart, having served 3 years in the British Army when I was younger. There are young lads losing their limbs, sight and being severely disabled all the time whilst on operations and giving up their lives so we can live in a free country. This is my way of giving something back.”

Phoenix said on the Team Latics web site, “This is going to be hard work but I am getting ready, training every day! I hope we can raise loads of money for charity!”

If you can spare anything at all, you can donate by going to www.bmycharity.com/phoenix or if you wish to leave donations at the Desk of the Supporters Club Bar before the game tonight, please make sure you write your name and leave if an envelope/money bag with your donation. Wigan Athletic Supporters Club will pass it on to Scoffy on you.

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