The vitriol is flying now that King Kenny has been sacked and the owners announce their candidates to replace him as manager. I mean, how they dare consider a manager of Wigan Athletic, who are they….. Oh, they are a team that Liverpool has beaten once in his tenure here, with two wins over them under his belt.
I will start with the great interview on Sky Sports that spoke with a Liverpool ‘fan’ on the sacking of Kenny Dalglish: “Do you think the right decision was made in getting rid of Dalglish?”
The fan replies in his best Cockney accent “Yes, I always said we shouldn’t look back. He did a decent job last time but it was a mistake for him to try again.”
“So who would you like to see considered?” replies the interviewer.
The bright spark says “Well I certainly don’t want the Wigan manager; he has shown nothing to warrant being a Liverpool manager. I would look at Benitez, he brought great success the last time and I reckon he could do it again”
So much for not looking back Hey!!!!!
But what gets me is why Martinez isn’t good enough for Liverpool (in their fans view). It isn’t as if they are a big draw anymore, eighth is their position, which means there are 7 teams that are bigger than them just in our Premier League.
I found it quite funny when they won the Carling Cup, how it all of a sudden became a tremendous competition to win, rather than the ‘Mickey Mouse’ Cup that they usually refer their failure to. We can’t really comment on the European glory of late, due to their not being any.
So let’s get back to Martinez, what has he achieved? Further to keeping Wigan Athletic in the Premier league for three successive seasons, he has done it whilst reducing the wage bill by over 50% in that time and only having limited budget to buy players – conditional on selling players and covering the annual deficit.
He has done all this whilst having to endure some torrid times with decisions and us shooting ourselves in the foot, after some disastrous results and losing runs. But most of all he has got this so called ‘average’ team playing tremendous football.
It is no exaggeration that I say tremendous football, look at the way we played Liverpool off the park and beat them, no fluke just pure footballing embarrassed these so called suitors. We followed this up with playing Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Newcastle and a whole host of others off theirs and our Park.
I have no doubt that Roberto Martinez will go off to a much better, ambitious club than Liverpool FC and one that isn’t in turmoil or has fans that will abuse or disrespect him, their colours have been shown and I would fear for our manager if he decided to go there, it could ruin or dramatically slow down his career due to the shortfalls and nearsightedness of this once great club.
I am biased I know, I want another season (preferably two, three or more) out of Roberto to really push this team and this football club to serious new heights, maybe even target a finish above this club that feels he is not worthy to manage.
The Chairman has said it, the fans have now warmed to it, this style of football can take us places we just need the continuity going forward. We know he will go off to a bigger club in the future, I think it will be a club that will allow him to deliver more success than Liverpool will be able to offer.
I am sure that should Bobby decide to stay he would get a good proportion of the team sticking together. He was very clever in the last ten games by not playing the players that would be out of contract.
It could have blown up in his face but this shows how good a manager and tactician he is, by dropping Diame, Hugo, Gouhouri and Jones he proved that we can play his way and not be reliant on their talents.
I think the like of Moses and Figueroa would hinge on Bobby staying, Victor has all but said as much. There are plenty of Facebook and Twitter campaigns asking for our Gaffer to give us at least one more season, Cockney Latic is one of those voices who has always been behind him and although we would wish him well if he were to leave, we ALL really want you to stay.
I know you still read this site and I don’t want to be the one dong the farewell interview like last time when you left as a player, certainly not yet anyway. Liverpool fans don’t deserve you and the Club won’t take you to where you ultimately want to go, let them go with Andreas Vilas Boas and set your target to have the Latics finish above them, to really show your credentials…..
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