Wigan Athletic are to start their 7th Season in the Premier League, but this is the 10th season for the Cockney Latic Prediction League, kindly sponsored by Workit Recruitment.
Workit Recruitment have kindly agreed to sponsor the Cockney Latic Prediction League for the fourth Season, so once again we will be able to give some great prizes away this season.
The format is the same; you predict the weekly Premier League results, plus the games from the last 8 onwards in the FA Cup. You score points for getting goals and results right and the winner is the one with the most points at the end of the season.
You will be able to win spot prizes through the season, so watch out for them….
If you are already registered, just log in on the Prediction League page and go to ‘My Profile’. Tick the box next to the 2011-2012 season and submit.
If you are not registered, click the ‘New User’ tab and then do as above. If you have any problems please get in touch by email (editor@cockneylatic.co.uk) and we will help you out.
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We are always looking for fans which wish to put new articles on the site, whether they are one offs, or if they become a regular feature. If you’re interested, send your details or articles to us and we will publish them or get in touch. The email as usual is editor@cockneylatic.co.uk.
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