Cockney Latic teamed up with 188BET, Wigan Athletic’s main sponsor, to offer one lucky winner the chance to claim an amazing package worth over £230! Here we announce the winner and how you could still get your own package of Set Top 250 GB Box and 3 months ESPN.
The winner of the Cockney Latic, 188BET and ESPN competition of a package of £100 of free bets, 3 months free subscription to ESPN and the latest 250GB Top Up TV freeview digital recorder is Mark Cunliffe. He is just the latest winner in a long line this year, many thanks to the official sponsor of Wigan Athletic, 188BET for this and quite a few prizes that they have allowed us to have this season.
All is not lost though, as with so many ESPN televised football matches coming up in the Barclays Premier League and the EON FA Cup, you could still bag yourself a set top box with 250 GB hard drive and 3 months of ESPN in with the deal. What could be better than watching top flight football and trying to win some money? All for free, in the comfort of your own living room!
For more information or to sign up for the promotion visit: now, the offer finishes at the end of November.
Click here to go to the all new 188BET site.
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