Cockney Latic, in conjunction with Wigan Athletic’s main sponsors 188BET,has now drawn the four lucky winners of a pair of tickets each to the game against Birmingham at the DW Stadium on Saturday.

Click here to go to the 188bet site 188BET, in association with Cockney Latic, ran a competition to win match tickets to the Barclays Premier League game v Birmingham City on the 19th March 2011.

This is a vital game for Latics and one where we need all the support we can muster and thanks to winning these tickets, Tim Smith, Steve Cheers, Dave Clarke and Jonjo Gallagher will all be taking a guest to see this game.

Keep a look out on site for future competitions and thanks to all those who didn’t win this time for taking the time to enter.


Please visit our new website, Moments in Time where 188BET have undertaken the search for football’s most memorable game-changing moments.


Click here to go to the 188BET site.

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