It has been a gruelling season for both the Premier League and the Cups Prediction Leagues, but the final games have been played and the winners are lano23 for the Premier League and Wigan Canuck for the Cups, both Leagues sponsored by Work It Recruitment of Wigan.

Click to see Work It Recruitments site, full of parrt time and full time positions available from the Number 1 Recruitment Agency.

And there it is the end of the season and with two more Cockney Latic winners. The Work It Recruitment Prediction Leagues have taken in over 660 games over the last 8 and a bit months and the level of predictions has been huge.

The main Premier League Prediction League was won by lano23 who pockets himself a cool £100, second was Bobby C who walks away with £35 and third was Mark Lawrenson of the BBC, unfortunately he didn’t enter the prize league and so Willy Wombat get’s the third placed £15.

Lano23 was also in the running until the final game for the Cups Prediction League, only to be thwarted by Wigan Canuck who takes the £80 first prize. Lano23 still earned a further £25 and Sharpy grabbed the third place away from A CONROY and griff for the £10 prize.

We will be starting the Prediction League up again next season, plus there will be a winner takes all World Cup Prediction League for those who want to try their hand, keep a look out over the next day or so on how to enter.

For this season though, well done to all those that won and a big thanks once again to Work It Recruitment for their support and sponsorship.

Click to see Work It Recruitments site, full of parrt time and full time positions available from the Number 1 Recruitment Agency.

Click here to disucuss this issue and many more on the Cockney Latic Prediction League Message Board.

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