Latics will be subject of a mini doc for MOTD2 this weekend and we obviously need some Wigan Athletic fans of both sexes to offer themselves up for the task of going on camera before and after the game…

The BBC Cameras will be in Blackpool this weekend and they want Latics fans to interview before and after the game.
Questions like ‘are we going to survive’, ‘who do you think will win’ and ‘What are your thoughts on the Wigan Athletic team’ are just a few that thy will want the answers to.

They will probably want the same people to be interviewed after the game as well, for a before and after the game synopsis.

If you are interested, please email me on and I will email back details of where it will happen.

Don’t be offended if you don’t get a reply, there are only up to 25 fans needed, so the vast majority of you all won’t get a return mail.

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