Cockney Latic, in conjunction with Wigan Athletic’s main sponsors 188BET, has news for some lucky winners of a pair of match tickets to the Barclays Premier League game against West Ham United at the DW Stadium on Sunday.

Click here to go to the 188bet site 188BET, in association with Cockney Latic, ran a competition to win match tickets to the Barclays Premier League game v West Ham United on Sunday the 15th May 2011.

This game is a ‘must not lose’ for Latics and so the team will need all the support and noise possible, so if you haven’t won get down or ring the DW Stadium ticket office and get yourself there on Sunday. Over 21,000 tickets have already been sold and so there are only a couple of thousand left for sale.

The winners were as follow:

Match Ticket winners (two each)

Steph Bentham
Scott Lathom
Ben Applegate
Gavin Hibbert

Tickets are still available for this game from the ticket office, tickets will not be on sale on the day of the game.

Cockney Latic will have plenty more competitions with fantastic prizes, so keep reading and more importantly keep posting on the message boards, so you don’t miss out on your chance to win.

By you being registered and posting reasonably regularly on the message boards lets us know that you are Wigan Athletic fans and not chancers. If you have been entering competitions and haven’t won, it could well be because we don’t recognise you and therefore think you may be a non-Latics fan

For more information visit: and to obtain a free £25 bet go to

Click here to go to the 188BET site.

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We are always looking for fans whi wish to put new articles on the site, whether they are one offs, or if they become a regular feature. If you’re interested, send your details or articles to us and we will publish them or get in touch.

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