Can I draw your attention to a little peice of work the FSF is doing on behalf of all us football fans. There haven’t been anywhere near enough responses from Wigan Athletic fans and rtather than let this go and let them think we don’t care, I am asking if you could take a short survey… I just diod it and it took less than a minute.

We’re doing an FSF fans’ survey looking at season ticket prices and are trying to get a fair spread of PL clubs. We’re a little short on Wigan fans at the minute – I’d be really grateful if you could fill out the survey and then send around your mates via email, twitter and Facebook to get a fair representation of Latics fans on board. It only takes 2 mins, see below link:

To complete the survey, simply visit:

Click here to disucuss this issue and many more on the Cockney Latic message board.


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