I remember when we first got into this league and how I waited with baited breathe for 10 a.m. on fixture day, would Wigan Athletic get one of the big guns on opening day and who would our final game be against?

Times change and now we are nearing that ‘established’ tag our priorities change a tad for how we want the fixtures to unfurl.

We now tend to look at when we are playing the newly promoted teams ahead of the ‘big guns’ and then we look at special days like St George’s Day, birthdays, Boxing Day and the final game of the season.

The fascination (or fixation) of when we play Liverpool, Everton, Villa or the big teams of Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal seem to have drifted away now. Maybe it is our expectations being a bit higher, or maybe the shine has gone a little from being in the ‘best league in the world’.

I personally look for the decent away matches and this season I will be looking for Swansea as it is a new ground. There will also be a bit of an edge to the game with us beating them last season in the Cup and also their own fixation with our manager, will Sinclair come back to haunt us???

One thing is for sure, I won’t miss the fact that the cheats won’t be there, at long last they have got a little bit of what they deserved and it is just a pity that Sheffield United won’t be in the Championship to gloat.

One team I am not impressed with is QPR, why on earth do they feel the need to rip off fans within 20 seconds of getting into the league, they are a disgrace but I know I’ll still end up going, even if it is just to see if that pub on the corner (Walkabout?) is still there and if so if it looks any better.

Norwich will be interesting; will Delia get bladdered and incite her own fans again?? Will she turn up at the Orwell like she did a few years back; I’ll always remember her face when Carl Higham asked her how she stopped her rice sticking to the pan…..

Whatever your reasons for wanting to see the results as soon as possible, I hope to see a lot more of you at the away games next season. Home season tickets sales are well up on last year and so it looks like we can look forward to a good home atmosphere.

For those that went to the final three away games of last season – that is the reason we should go to as many as we can possibly afford or can make. The buzz the players got from the following was evident and I believe now that it makes a huge difference to results.

Here’s hoping for that top ten finish Bobby reckons we are capable of achieving…… if you haven’t got your tickets yet, get down there and do it.

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