Win big prizes in the Famous GG Comp
23 years of predictions
Yet again a new season is upon us, this one is more special than most though due to the horrific time we have been through over the last 18 months.
One ting hasn’t changed, Cockney Latic is still here like it was in the 1980’s, 90’s, 2000’s. 2010’s and now still here and ready to provide a platform for fans of the greatest club in the world to have their say, but most importantly to remember our roots and have great debates and fun.
Yet again we are running a predictions league this season, it has morphed over the years but Horc has once more volunteered to host this year’s version, ‘Guess the Gate’ competitions. Winners in the past have had training ground visits, hospitality, signed shirts and all expenses paid trips to Bermuda (that might be a lie).
We only know the prize when it land in our laps, but it always great (except when mutty wins :) ) but to get there you need to get in there, so dive over to the message board and cast your prediction. Quick link here
Good luck everyone
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